Friday, November 15, 2013

Great Week: Down 1.6 lbs

I had a great week this week. My eating was on track. I did cardio twice and made my 2.7K goal every day but my cheat day. 

Feeling my belly (my barometer) before I weighed in, I figured I had lost about a week. I was wrong. I lost 1.6lbs, which is pretty much my goal every week (an average of 1.5 lbs.) I'm so glad I lost, after two weeks of not losing, I was questioning whether what I'm doing was working! But, we are on track!

I need to really kick it in gear as I'm going to have a rough time around Thanksgiving. Not because of Thanksgiving meals, per se, but because I'm going to Toronto for 4 days. And Toronto is a party town and has AMAZING veggie options. 

It is really becoming obvious that I am losing as my clothes are fitting a LOT better!

What went well last week
- I was disciplined 6 days! (Six days of A- or better!)
- I did cardio on two days
- My energy was really up
- My cheat day was in check and it didn't extend into Friday and Sunday

What I could have done better last week
- I did drink during the week (a couple of glasses of wine after a really hard day and I went to a celebratory happy hour yesterday for a friend who got a new job.
- My portions are probably too big. I need to consciously cut them by 10%

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Healthy Lunch

I worked from home today and was able to heat up something a little special.: Fish ("Hake en Papillote") with roasted veggies and quinoa.

Where I know origami, I really need to learn to make these "papillote" parchment paper boxes. They steam perfectly in the microwave.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fruits of my Cooking Labors

Yummy 400 calorie dinner. (Brown rice, sautéed mushrooms, carrots with dill, quinoa and roasted brussels sprouts.)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Weigh In: Zero Net Gain

So, before I weigh in each week, I think to myself, how do I feel? How did I do the previous week? How much do I think I will lose?

I felt pretty good. I'm a bit sore from exercise this week. Yesterday, I was able to fit into a vest that has been "off limits" for some time. I feel my gut is getting smaller. As for the week, I had a not so great start, off on Friday, Saturday and to a lesser extent on Sunday. Still, I had 4 straight days with an "A" rating (and met my Fuel Points 2.7K goal every day but Saturday.) So my answer was, I felt I deserved a modest 1 lb loss.

I didn't get it. I didn't lose but I also didn't gain. 

Even so, I'm not discouraged. I'm back on it this week! I can do this!

What went well last week
- I was disciplined 4 days! The other 3 days, I did have movement and made my 2.7K goal 6 of the 7 days.
- I started having more exercise in my routine, adding cardio and weight training.
- I ate my own food all but 2 meals. I ate nutritious, flavorful things which I was content with.
- I didn't drink through the week.

What I could have done better last week
- I should have only had one cheat day (not let the cheat day bleed into Friday and Sunday.)
- Even though I am eating a LOT of proteins and veggies, some of the portions were kind of big and I probably underestimated the number of points (when I work out, I get even more hungry.)
- I should have watched my portions of peanut butter (again, probably underestimated.)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

FIVE Ways My Current Eating/Exercise Plans Are Different than Before

So, I'm about a month into my eating and exercise plan and wanted to reiterate what I'm doing different this time around compared to my eating campaign earlier in the year. More than anything, I'm basing my new plans on knowledge of what works for me, for my body and what is sustainable. 5 main differences this time around:

1. "STAYING WITH IT" - I'm being a bit easier on myself. I am lightening up a bit and not punishing myself if I veer from the plan. I partied around Halloween and didn't lose that much. So what? I have to be social or I will quit it. The goal is to get back on the wagon the following day.

2. "EXERCISE" - I dislike treadmill and stepper and cardio, in general. I will do these from time to time, but the focus will be on low impact exercise and LOTS of weight training (Goal: 3x per week.)

3. "HOMEMADE FOOD" - My goal is to prepare, from scratch, 95%+ of what goes into my mouth. Preparing multiple meals over the weekend to munch on over the week keeps me eating healthy and my body is responding well to less preservatives. Beyond being practical, it's also a time saver as I just reheat things during the week.

4. "NO ALCOHOL" - I have largely cleared my apartment of alcohol during the week so I'm not tempted to have a drink. I do believe no alcohol (except on splurge days) does boost my metabolism. It also makes me a "cheap date" on the night I go out.

5. "LITTLE OR NO POP" - I was in the habit of having a can of pop with lunch in the afternoon. While I'm not completely cutting it out of my diet, it is kinda bad for you, so I am drinking as little as possible.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Food or Beer?

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love to drink beer. 

Tonight I had a realization that I could eat three of these nice crackers with some goat cheese or I could have one beer. 

I chose the food.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Secret Protein Tip

I learned this in Poland, where soups are really big. Be it barszcz or pickle soup or chicken noodle soup, often they will be served with a hard boiled egg on top, as shown.

As a vegetarian, I sometimes have problems getting enough protein. This is one yummy way I can. An egg has a mild flavor is meshes well with most soups, including my homemade chili.